translated from Spanish: Prosecutor molds called for the immediate arrest of Cristina Kirchner

the Prosecutor to the Federal Chamber, German Moldes, endorsed the impeachment and the “immediate arrest” of the former President as resolved, on 17 September last, judge Claudio Bonadío at sea Co of the case called “the notebooks of bribes”. Fernández Cristina de Kirchner was processed with pre-trial detention as the alleged head of a conspiracy that took bribes from businessmen who are attached public works from the Estado.Junto to the current Senator, Bonadio processed other forty people, including former officials and business executives. In a letter to Chamber I of the Federal Chamber, moulds described the role of “boss” of the organization assigned to Cristina Kirchner and holds the charge of their counterparts in the first instance, Carlos Stornelli and Carlos Rivolo, to aggravate the charge on each other processed and reverse the lack of merit of others.
moulds asked as well as the previous instance prosecutors categorized as organisers at José López, Ernesto Clarens, Carlos Wagner and Gerardo Ferreyra, not as it is now, which were syndicated as mere members of the same.
on the Clarens, moulds financier recalled that “integrated the Association since its inception therefore had a major involvement in establishing development both in the past investigated facts and formed part of the group under the” command of Nestor and Cristina Kirchner”.
with respect to the former Secretary of public works, José López, he recalled that “he spoke directly with employers to reach agreement, and was who decided who would be paid, how should be low than steps, i.e., intervened in the” “planning of the various illegal”.
“Lopez would have had personal and constant treatment with those who were his bosses, and even more who had led the second stage of the Organization, widow Cristina Fernández de Kirchner,” said moulds for the businessman Gerardo Ferreyra, group Standards and who is detained with pre-trial detention, the Prosecutor moulds assessed that “would have organized the context under which the payments which were under its area is needed”.
Carlos Wagner, President of the Argentina Chamber of construction and owner of ESUCO, also called be branded as organizer for “project and submitted the plan around the specific circuit that was under its functions, had a close relationship” and coordinated with senior officials who were leading the Association.”


Original source in Spanish


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