translated from Spanish: Pinera said he will return to Chile after touring Europe “with the inspired soul”

France, Spain, Germany, Belgium and Italy, were the countries that President Sebastián Piñera visited during his tour in Europe which lasted for 10 days s.. on occasion, shared experiences and meetings with different authorities to deal with matters within the association agreement with the European Union. In this sense, and hours before returning to Chile, Piñera valued the trip, ensuring that “we are ending our tour to Europe, has been intense, but profound.” (…) We met with the President Pedro Sánchez de España, with the President Emmanuel Macron de Francia, with Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, with the highest authorities of the European Union. We had a meeting with businessmen in Hamburg and we finished with a visit to the Pope and the canonization of Pablo VI and Archbishop Romero,”he explained. Therefore he insisted that it was a tour where achieved “major agreements for Chile,. to open more markets to our imports and the European market, especially in the world of food and agricultural And important agreements in the field of education, science, technology and energy.” Adding all these factors, the President acknowledged that they will return to La Moneda “happy” and “the soul inspired by the Pope to all work together to make Chile a better country”, concluded.

Original source in Spanish


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