translated from Spanish: We are too fat, and not in a healthy way

currently, more than one of every two adults and nearly one in six children are overweight or obese in the OECD area. The obesity epidemic has spread in the past five years, although at a pace slower than before. Despite this, new projections show a continued rise in obesity in all the countries studied. Social disparities in obesity persist and have increased in some countries. In the OECD countries, you can see one variation almost ten times higher rates of obesity and overweight.
In recent years, there have emerged new political strategies designed to combat obesity. This update on obesity focuses on a selection of those, specifically in communication policies aimed at combating obesity, in particular improving the nutrient information displayed on the labels of foods, using new to sensitize the population, and social media or by regulating the marketing of food products. Better communication helps people make healthier decisions. However, packages of integrated policies, which include not only the communication, but also regulatory and fiscal policies more extensive, is needed to address obesity effectively.
More than one in four adults is obese in Australia, Canada, Chile, South Africa and the United States. United Kingdom.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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