translated from Spanish: Sedatu irregularities in censuses of earthquakes

the Ministry of agrarian development, Territorial and urban (Sedatu) reported 44 thousand houses that have the same address as dwellings damaged by the earthquakes of September of last year, and left out of the Census seriously affected more than 8 million people, while they live in municipalities that were officially declared disaster area.

in addition, dependency presented inconsistencies in the number of houses surveyed damage, and reports of delivery of resources to cater for the victims.

here are some of the main irregularities linked to the reconstruction of houses by the earthquakes of 7 and 19 September 2017, that were detected by the Superior audit of the Federation (ASF) in its second report of account Public 2017, and that the new auditor, David Colmenares, presented yesterday to the Chamber of Deputies.

in the report, the ASF denounces that the databases of the Sedatu, including the Census of beneficiaries by the damage of earthquakes, presented “inconsistencies” serious, as the existence of duplicate data.

for example, in the basis of damaged houses, the Sedatu delivered to the Bank for national savings and financial services (Bansefi), so this release the resources of the National Fund for disasters (Fonden), the audit found that 44 thousand 506 homes reported damaged by earthquakes are located in the same direction; i.e., that all have the same coordinates and are in a single location.

the ASF denounced that to other 13 thousand 347 homes was awarded the same number of affected folio, which for the oversight body, “showed the absence of reliable information for having a register of beneficiaries”.

the audit also detected a “dance figures” in terms of housing damaged by two earthquakes of September and dedicated resources.

on the one hand, the Sedatu reported at the Bansefi 172 thousand homes affected in its definitive damage diagnosis, while the 10 subcommittees of assessment of damages that were installed for the attention of 401 municipalities affected, reported 75 thousand 945 houses affected, one 126% less.

in terms of the amounts delivered by damage, the ASF said that after analyzing 11 minutes of reports that gave the Sedatu, documented 9 thousand 442 million pesos for damage caused by tremors in housing, figure that differs in 688 thousand 991 million pesos res PEC of the 10 thousand 131 million the Sedatu reported in its definitive diagnosis of damage.

on this point, the audit reported that “unknown parameter to calculate the total amount of damage”.
El extraño caso de Santiago Miltepec as part of inconsistencies in the report of affectations, the ASF stands out as an example the case of Santiago Miltepec, Oaxaca.

according to data from Inegi, this town had in 2015 with just 114 homes inhabited by 393 people. However, in the register of damaged homes that the Sedatu gave to the ASF, the dependency that Rosario Robles directs ensures that you raised 1 information, 603 homes inhabited by 6 thousand 412 people, “while the causes of these inconsistencies is credited”.

this figure would indicate that you between 2015 and 2017, when earthquakes occurred, homes in this small town grew 1,306%, the population increased in 1,531%, and 100% of homes in Santiago Miltepec was damage by earthquakes.

This led to the ASF to conclude that the Sedatu “did not have a census and a sufficient and reliable standard for scheduling and prioritizing aid earmarked for reconstruction and the rehabilitation of the population affected by the earthquakes occurred 7 and” 19 September 2017 “.
Dejan were census of damages to 8 million people on the other hand, the audit concerns in his report that after the tremors, 720 municipalities in nine States of the Republic, most Mexico City, were listed as natural disaster and emergency areas extraordinary, by what were susceptible of evaluation of damage to the housing, and access to any Government aid.

However, the only Sedatu rose information of possible homes damaged in 370 municipalities and seven delegations from the capital, representing a coverage of only the 52.4% of the 720 municipalities and delegations declared disaster area.

what meant this? 343 municipalities with Declaration of emergency left out of the census’s victims, which, in turn, means that 2 ‘ 451, 000 407 houses, where inhabited more than 8 million people, were excluded from the diagnosis of damage “without the silk” “you explain the causes”.

“the Sedatu did not consider them (to 8 million 750 thousand 407 people) to create the Census and register of beneficiaries, which prevented have reliable information to schedule and prioritize the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the affected homes”, stresses the ASF.

as staff which made gathering information from damaged homes, the Sedatu did not provide documentation to audit showing the number of people who participated in brigades of collected data, or information about They carried out the verification of damage to homes.

la Sedatu, on the other hand, argued in response to the ASF that the country “is no a team of brigade that is responsible, when required, lift the information to know the balance of harms resulting from the occurrence of earthquakes of magnitude similar It is 7 and 19 September 2017 “.

for these inconsistencies, the ASF held in total 9 comments to the Sedatu, which, in turn, generated 26 recommendations to the performance of the unit on the issue of reconstruction of housing caused by earthquakes.

here you can read the full report of the ASF.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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