translated from Spanish: I revived “Women”, the poignant choreography that Jimena Barón made against violence against women

“women” is the title of the choreography that Jimena Barón and Mauro Caiazza performed free of the dancing rhythm 2018. “The actress and his team spoke out against gender-based violence, machismo and femicide.” For women who struggle, so they do not feel alone. In this we are together all”, could express between tears artist.

Photo: Instagram poignant dance silenced the study and made everyone cry to tears, including Marcelo Tinelli, Florencia Peña and the mother of Jimena. “It is beautiful that you animes to say this,” said the conductor to the media.

Photo: Instagram “tears of Jimena say a lot of things. I feel close to it for my daughters and I know everything that has lived, what lives and am moved by all this,”said Tinelli. 

“There are women who went and that is happening it badly and discuss this issue makes us know that we are not alone. Women are saying just because we pass through many situations. We are below the man for violations, abuses, machismo and we’re getting used to that pass daily”, concluded the dancer.

Photo: Instagram jimena baron marcelo tinelli dancing 2018 showmatch

Original source in Spanish


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