translated from Spanish: The currency upsets for political asylum to Palma Salamanca: will insist before the French Government to reverse measurement

The Government of Chile, through its Minister of the Interior, Andrés Chadwick, regretted the decision to his French counterpart to grant political asylum to the former front Ricardo Palma Salamanca.
Chadwick, on behalf of the currency indicated that it does not share “the decision taken today by the French refugee office as to grant political asylum to Ricardo Palma Salamanca, who was convicted by the Chilean courts as the perpetrator of the crime” a Senator of the Republic and other crimes of a terrorist nature.”
In fact, indicate that they will take steps to reverse the situation, starting to quote Ambassador of France in Chile, Roland Dubertrand, “to point out, first of all the total disagreement of the Government with this decision and, at the same time, request the Government of” France, especially at the Ministry of the Iinterior, that, in exercising their powers, to revoke this decision”.
The objective is that “the French justice courts who determine whether you are or not the extradition requested to Ricardo Palma Salamanca”.
Chadwick, in his appearance before the press, indicated that the French decision violates a treaty that both countries share: “it is very important that you can understand that this decision taken by the French Government, through the office of refugees, in contravention the rules of the Geneva Convention on asylum and protection, given that both the crime of Senator Jaime Guzmán, and conviction and of the sentence developed in our country in full and total force of a democratic State and law”.
An annoying Chadwick ruled that this violation to the rules “has you in depth and fully to the State and French Government”.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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