translated from Spanish: Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman suffers setback and the judgment against keeps date

The Mexican Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman suffered a new setback in federal court in New York today when the judge presiding over the case against for drug trafficking refused for a second time to postpone the start of his trial.
Judge Brian Cogan, of the federal court for the Eastern District of New York, reiterated that because before I had decided on a preview: not be postponed the start of trial, scheduled for November 5, with the selection of the jury – can last several days – , after which will continue November 13 addressing the accusations.
The defense of Guzman sought to postpone the trial until the beginning of 2019 for the wealth of information that the Prosecutor’s Office has sent in the last month.
They claim that they are thousands of pages that should be translated into the Spanish so that your customer can read them – do not understand the English – and that they should also review and investigate issues related to witnesses key against Guzman.
The defense of “El Chapo” also looked for that new evidence that the prosecution has presented about the alleged involvement of Guzman in a conspiracy to murder as the leader of the Sinaloa cartel and that the Government be used to support the accusation is excluded from the trial that it maintained a criminal enterprise.
The prosecution objected to the postponement of the process and recalled that had warned the defense that will produce more evidence and information, which includes added 17 new alleged victims of “El Chapo” names.
The judge denied two requests for the defense and ordered the trial in its fund to begin November 13, after the jury selection starting from next Monday, against whom was one of the men most wanted by the Government of this country.
The defense would have more time to review the documents if the jury selection ends soon next week.
At a hearing today that stretched for 20 minutes, an annoyed judge Cogan struck parties, pointing out that it has received six motions in the past three weeks.
“At the last hearing I asked already if they had something else to add and said that no”, were the first words of Cogan in the room where takes the process against Guzman, 61 years, who enter, wearing the dark blue prison jumpsuit and orange shirt narrow the hand of their lawyers.
He also complained that Eduardo Balarezo, one of the lawyers for Guzman, called her twice on Saturday.
The great absentee today was the spouse of “El Chapo”, Emma Coronel, which has always followed the hearings from the first bench of the Court.
Cogan said defence evidence and evidence that have received, 14,000 pages, in the last month are in keeping with what the prosecution had told them in July that could be 25,000 pages.
Advocates of Guzman, Balarezo and Jeffrey Lichtman, led to court a large number of folders with such documentation so that the judge could see it. “Ever going to be ready for a case of this magnitude as they had wanted,” said the judge.
Guzman, extradited in January 2017 to New York from Mexico after having escaped twice from maximum-security in his country, faced originally 17 charges of drug trafficking that was reduced to eleven when prosecutors dismissed six charges to streamline the process.
Since his arrival in USA, under heavy security measures, is in the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan, one of the more secure the country’s prisons.
The judge also addressed the Prosecutor’s Office to express its concern that this has increased to more than 30 the list of alleged victims of murder against whom conspired Guzman.
“This is a case of drug trafficking,” said the judge, calling for the prosecution which should be limited to the evidence related to the topic.
The defense of Guzman has argued in their motions before the Court which violates his client due process of law having no time to prepare a fair trial by the large amount of documentation received from the prosecution.
The last July, judge Cogan already agreed to postpone the trial, which was scheduled to begin on September 5, but agreed only to postpone it until November and not for five months as asked their lawyers, who also claimed at that time that they received thousands of pages and recordings of the U.S. Government
At the end of the last hearing, a week of the start of the trial, Lichtman left Court without talking to the press and Balarezo, which didn’t seem very happy, was limited to assure the media that they would try to be ready for the process.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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