translated from Spanish: Quality of transport in the city

Sir: in Santiago and in several regions of the country, there is the need for new and varied systems of public transport, to which required the development of more efficient and sustainable projects.
Initiatives there are many, from the system of bike sharing in communes such as La Reina and Ñuñoa, the scooters in Las Condes and new subway lines, until the recent announcement by the Government on the Plan of transport of the third millennium, which would integrate various solutions such as electric buses and taxis and that in the future, it would include railways, cable cars and trams. This last half works perfectly in cities such as Zurich, Frankfurt and Barcelona, and from the architectural viewpoint is far more appropriate transport in terms of quality, aesthetics of the city and scale, also allows you to program certain frequencies.
These changes should also contemplate solutions to shorten the times that today many people suffer for their daily transportation. A good system could be born, starting from draw a second ring in Américo Vespucio as visible, and legal boundary between the urban and the rural, containing the expansion with small intermodal stations and avoid projects such as Andean foot, which could set new forms of growth towards the mountain range.
Improve the public transport system should be understood as an urgent social debt, if we want to optimize our quality of urban life.
Uwe Rohwedder Director School of architecture

Central University

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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