translated from Spanish: The best universities in Latin America

those seeking to study at the best universities in Latin America to have five destinations: Chile, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina and Mexico.
These five countries are the 18 best Latin American universities in 2018, according to the score that gave them annual ranking QS Latin America Rankings.
Four universities, including the number one in the region, are in Chile, while Brazil stands out for having seven institutions of higher education among the better evaluated.
Four of Colombia also compete for the top spots, but the University national Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), the more the region large, is better positioned than the Colombian.

Getty ImagesLa Pontificia Universidad Católica of Chile is among the first 5 places of Latin America in the QS rankings. Argentina is also highlighted its largest public University, the University of Buenos Aires, that achieves a better score in the overall classification in the regional.
In addition to these countries, among the top 20 is also the leading University of Costa Rica and Cuba.
The top positions are as follows (some share the same position given their score): QS Latin America Rankings 2019 1. Pontifical University of Chile Chile 2. University of São Paulo Brazil 3. State University of Campinas Brazil 4. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico Mexico 5. University of the Andes Colombia 6. Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores Monterrey Mexico 7. University of Chile, Chile 8. University of Buenos Aires Argentina 9. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Brazil 10. Universidad Nacional de Colombia Colombia 11. Paulista State University Brazil 12. Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro Brazil 13. University of Santiago de Chile Chile 14. University of Concepción Chile 15. University of Antioquia Colombia 15. University Federal of Minas Gerais Brazil 17. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia 18. Federal University of Rio Grande in the South Brazil 19. University of Costa Rica Costa Rica 20. University of Havana Cuba. How do you evaluate?
The QS group, which publishes the world university rankings every year, scored in the case of Latin America through eight indicators.
The two main ones are the academic reputation (30%), based on interviews with academics, as well as the qualification that gives generators of jobs in the quality of its graduates (20%).
Other aspects of production of science, are also evaluated, as few studies generates each university or how much such investigations in other studies are cited.
Getty ImagesLa University of Buenos Aires is located in position 8 of America Latina.La Pontificia Universidad Católica of Chile appears for the second consecutive year in the top position in Latin America.
However, the University of Buenos Aires has a place better in the world that in the regional, then sits on the 73 place, while the Chilean 132.
This since the overall QS rankings gives it a value different from the indicators.
Worldwide academic reputation is 40% rating, while employers rating is 10%.
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Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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