translated from Spanish: They found guilty a Brazilian who murdered and dismembered their uncles and cousins in Spain

AP 16: 00 François Nogueira Gouveia was 19 years old at the time of carrying out the grisly murder, which according to the Prosecutor’s office was completely premeditated. He risks decades in jail and was considered a psychopath by the persecutors.

Justice convicted the Brazilian young man accused of killing and butchering their uncles and cousins, of 1 and 4 years old, who lived in Spain. Be estalecio that the crimes were premeditated and not accepting the arguments of the defense of that François Nogueira Gouveia, who argued that at the time of the crime, he suffered from mental disorders and alcoholism.

prosecutors established that Nogueira was a psychopath who planned the murders, to the point of carry bags to get the bodies to flee from the House. They added that the defendant, who arrived in Spain in early 2016, sent via WhatsApp messages to a friend in Brazil with photographs of bodies during and after the massacre. To hide his crime, Nogueira dismembered the bodies of his uncles with scissors, secateurs. His cousins, it killed. After a month of the macabre fact, neighbors of the victims denounced the bad smell that came from the House, where they found the bags with corpses. Nogueira faced decades in prison. His lawyer said he will appeal the verdict. The case has had great impact in Spain and Brazil.

Original source in Spanish


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