translated from Spanish: The acquisition of startups opens a path for co-creation between businesses and entrepreneurs

In Chile, and the entrepreneurial ecosystem, shortened the gap between the financing of early-stage startups and the process of corporate venturing are gradually taking more strength in our country and in the re Gion. This is due to known Cornershop purchasing for the chain of retail Walmart that was valued by US225 million.
The large sum that was acquired not only breaks new ground for entrepreneurs, but it creates a new space on how large companies are aware of the benefit of working and co – create with startups, the complement to its offer of business and how can capture and generate value from this relationship. We are in a process of transformation where it becomes necessary for businesses, and not enough, working with startups in an active way and clear processes.
A study of the business Insider magazine reveals that innovate is 5 times cheaper and 3 times faster when we co-create with startups in a systematic way, however this is not assimilated by local companies, who are looking for short-term results and impact of This collaboration.
It is now key to create and facilitate workspaces and collaborative initiatives, we must merge the flexibility in commissioning and the agile development of the startup with the investment capacity and resources (in the broad sense) of a company and the need to stay current in an increasingly competitive industry.
The transformation inside enterprises is not a process simple and collides with anxiety to see changes quickly, by what becomes increasingly more relevant actors of the ecosystem to support and be links between startups and companies, through challenges of innovation open and definition of strategic alliances that allow to deal with processes, methodologies and tools with collaboration and co-creation between both. This cannot be limited to initiatives marketing, contests or demodays, but to generate systematic and consistent processes, indicators and practices known and accepted within the organizations, enabling you to engage stakeholders and generate a real impact in the medium term.
Cases like the Cornershop shows us how this collaboration and strategic alliance can evolve and allow to capture value to corporations, through a medium/long term look and with mechanisms of direct investment by firms. This vision and strategy (known as corporate venturing) is an outstanding debt at the national level, either by fear, ignorance, or lack of management support and is the great challenge we have as an ecosystem that afford to replicate many more cases like this and generate the development of this promising industry in our country.

Poured in this op-ed content is the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial line nor the counter position.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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