translated from Spanish: At what time will be the end of United States mid-term elections results

On Tuesday, from 8 pm of Chile will begin to know the first digits of the votes of the term in U.S. mid-term elections.
At that time, there will be the closure of voting in the States of Kentucky and Indiana, in a process that will last until 2 o’clock, time of end of scrutiny in Alaska.
The term mid-term elections, so called because they occur at almost two years since the beginning of the presidential term, have been interpreted as a virtual referendum on President Donald Trump.
It is the first legislative elections since the arrival of the controversial Tycoon to the White House, where the 435 seats in the House of representatives more are to be settled one third of 100 seats in the Senate, as well as about thirty of governorates and hundreds of State and local officials.
The first great wave of data results will begin at 9 p.m. with the States of Georgia, South Carolina, Florida, New Hampshire, Alabama, Vermont, and Virginia.
North Carolina, Ohio and West Virginia figures will be announced at 21:30.
At 10 pm, they will begin to get data from Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, Dakota of the North, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee and Texas.
Arkansas only closes at 22:30.
At 23 I turn them to Arizona, Colorado, Louisiana, New York, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Mexico, Wisconsin, Wyoming, and South Dakota.
Idaho, Iowa, Montana, Nevada and Utah figures will be announced at midnight.
1 Wednesday, are the results of the largest State, California, more Hawaii, Oregon and Washington.
Alaska closes the process 2.
So far polls draw a scenario favorable for Democrats in the lower House, where needed to win 23 seats to regain a majority that Republicans have held since 2011.
On the other hand, the map is much less favorable for progressives in the Senate, where they have to defend more seats than the Republicans, and especially conservative States.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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