translated from Spanish: Carlos Peña reviews to Evopoli and does not give truce: “You can pretend to be liberal embracing conservative causes”

“You can pretend to be liberal embracing conservative causes”. With this phrase, the rector of the University Diego Portales, Carlos Peña, said the Chairman of Evopoli, Hernán Larraín Matte, who insisted on defending the support provided by this party at the request of deputies of Chile are going to the Constitutional Court the regulation of personal and institutional conscientious objection concerning abortion.
The controversy began Sunday when the columnist of El Mercurio published an article where classifies the party as “liberal at the expense of others”. The column was answered by Larraín Matte yesterday in a letter to the director in the same environment, where points out that “there are good liberal arguments” to oppose government regulation.
According to Larraín Matte, it is to defend private with public service. “A conscientious institution can, or not, to give a benefit such as a caesarean section? “We believe that”, said the head of the party.
Joined Senator Felipe Kast who pointed out this Tuesday at Radio Duna “policy is about beliefs and not be where it heats the Sun and we believe that it is violating the law’s purpose of intermediate bodies” in the controversy.  “Carlos Peña error is to mix the fulfillment of the law by the recruitment of other services,” he added.
Despite the response of Evopoli, Peña insisted their arguments, through a letter the Director posted Tuesday in El Mercurio.
In the letter notified Larrain matte that “you can pretend to be liberal” embracing conservative causes and “be liberal at others expense is easy”.
In the opinion of the rector of the UDP, Larraín Matte “avoids the problem that has arisen with the objectors institutions that celebrate agreements with the State”.
The columnist added that “pretend to exempt the general duty of law in cases of abortion and, at the same time, claim to be partner of the State in gynecological or obstetric benefits to the latter is required, does, simply, justification’.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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