translated from Spanish: Michoacan, among participating States of the national “health in your school”

photographs strategy / SSM Morelia, Michoacan.-by means of a statement, it was reported that the Ministry of health in the State (SSM), Diana Carpio Ríos, announced that Michoacan is part of the 13 participating States in the national “health in your school” strategy, which will allow the care and prevention of obesity in infants enrolled in the basic level.
“Since October and during November of this year, staff from the Ministry of health, in coordination with the Ministry of education (SEE), carry out anthropometric measurements (weight, size and abdominal circumference), detection of auditory and visual acuity,” “orientation to 3 k bucodental 178 first and fifth year of primary school children, belonging to Patzcuaro and Zitacuaro sanitary jurisdictions”, pointed out, the head of health policy.
In the “Health in your school” strategy, involving 80 schools: 40 treatment (with intervention); that is to say; they receive guidance for leading a healthy life, they have the “Hall of Champions” campaign and COEPRIS activities to monitor the quality of water and guidelines for tents, beverages and food; and 40 other schools are control (there are no interventions in behavior, only are measurements of weight, size, and optometric assessment); in all food and health questionnaire applies to fifth-grade students and are serviced by the sanitary jurisdictions 3 and 4, Zitacuaro and Pátzcuaro, respectively.
as well as by the departments of health promotion, epidemiology, oral health, and the State Commission for protection against health risks (Coepris).
Working intensely for the modification of eating habits and family feeding patterns; In addition to promoting the purchase, selection, preparation of food, healthy cooking techniques, revaluation of local production as vegetable foods, fruits, grains and legumes; all aimed at the well-being of the population and a healthier life.
Should be noted that in the months of May and June of next year, be aims to take a second measurement to 6 thousand 330 children of first, second, fifth and sixth year of primary school.

“It is important that the student go to school already desayunado, in addition to always bring a healthy lunch box, and consume water; as well as encourage and support physical education in all schools,”he said, Carpio rivers.
The strategy is based on five guiding axes:
• “Education for health”, where the subjects are promoted in classrooms.
• “Curricular autonomy”, which will allow each school to address the issues according to their needs and at times that best suits them.
• “Professionals and students of the health in schools”, who carried out tests to check the welfare of students.

“Orientation parents and teachers”, for which actions are replicated at home and so teachers are in tune with the health authorities.
• “Healthy schools”, which includes the installation of drinking water in the greater number of centres, as well as other measures that improve infrastructure including institutions.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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