translated from Spanish: The 22nd Edition of FIDOCS arrives to Santiago with more than 50 documentaries

the Festival International of Doc Santiago umentales opened its 22nd Edition with a program that adds more than 50 works, among which are both national and international projects, which will be showcased at three locations scattered throughout the Centre of the capital until November 14.
The French short “Of La Joie Dans Ce Combat”, de Jean-Gabriel Périot, gave kick off the event, which will feature three different competitions: one aimed at Chilean filmmakers, one for foreigners and a late for initiatives still in development in search of support.
In the film of Periot, the central theme is the conflict racial and class that runs through the streets of Paris, exposed through the portrait of a group of from amateur singers in a suburb of the city, which manage to “resist and leave insulation” in which feel confined due to the music.
“Keen eye” an issue that, as explained to Efe FIDOCS director, Carlos Flores, is attractive because it gives an account of “the ways in which one can leave the pain, sadness and loneliness”, especially in “such turbulent times such as those we are experiencing”.
“The keen eye of the documentary reveals the mismatches between what we want to happen and what is happening, prompting us to abandon the traditional roads and through contradictory and enigmatic trails of human life,” added Flores.
A vision for the director is also an “Act of resistance”, he continued, since only “resisting the sovereignty” that imposes “common sense, good taste, the box office and routine” you can remain, creating an “open space to all territories that passes the cinema”.
Special guests for that, this edition counts with the participation of important documentarians, as Spain’s Alberto García, Natalia Marín and Samuek M. Delgado, the Swedish Christian Frei, the American Eric Baudelaire or the Egyptian Mohamed Siam.
They will be special guests at an event that will feature in the international section with the projection of current proposals as “O Processo”, work of María Augusta Ramos, that he explores in the judicial process that ended with the dismissal of Dilma Rousseff, the former President of Brazil.
As well as other nationals as “Today and not tomorrow,” the Director Josefina Morandé, which explores the history of women women for life that emerged in Chile in 1983, which developed acts lightning intended to denounce what was happening in the country during the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet (1973-1990).

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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