translated from Spanish: The WhatsApp of change | Filo News

social networks are an essential part in the day of (almost) all. To its initial usefulness of instant communication and meetings with fellow high school, has joined the of des / inform about everything that surrounds to the broad spectrum of politics. If the first revenues of the world 3.0 were observed in the United States with the “Obama for America”, the boom was deepened due to spasm tuitero of Donald Trump and established as a practical political and new forms of campaigning with the victory of Jair Bolsonaro.El Barack Obama case is presented as illustrative of the dynamism and revenue that social networks can have on the political class. It was former American President, record by Guinness, who managed to reach a million followers on Twitter in less than five hours per case.
The Government of change has taken note of this, and in line with the powers of modernity and own the PRO brand innovation, aims to get a revenue of the elections of next year. Horizon 3.0 Marcos Peña, responsible for campaigns in the Alliance, is seen with Mark WhatsApp Enterprise as a backdrop. What is this? He is a version like the WhatsApp Business but intended, rather than business, politics.

Change channel invites you to connect with them “are the team change, this is a valid means to communicate with us, as well as to receive information from the party.” Tell us that province sos and keep in touch! “.” With this message, the Government has opened its own channel of Whatsapp.La idea of the Government is prolong the communication channels from the various networks of the party but have a differential tool with the rest of party pictures than in this application looking for stand for election in the next year.
As soon the tool presents itself as an application that, using Automation, diversifies the messages posted from the computer networks. It subtracted to know if this digital event will be the starting point for the massive sending of messages to “the Bolsonaro” or not. With the elections in the rearview mirror, it is likely that the political class will seek to intensify their gravitancia in networks in general and Twitter in particular, app where it passes the thickness of the partisan debate.

At the time of analyzing the performance of the main political in the Argentina is observed that, at least between Mauricio Macri and Cristina Kirchner, the number of followers is very close. Political marketing is here to stay and because not, how can you confirm Brazil, also to win elections. It will then be essential to be attentive to not confuse popularity and followers with legitimacy and proposals. In this note: networks change MAURICIO MACRI CRISTINA KIRCHNER

Original source in Spanish


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