translated from Spanish: The fascinating discovery of the cats mummified in Egypt

archaeologists working in graves recently discovered in Egypt found a collection of cats and mummified beetles.
AFPEl finding, dating from more than 4,000 years ago, was held at Saqqara, South of Cairo. The vast cemetery served the city of Memphis, the ancient capital of Egypt for 2,000 years.
ReutersLos ancient Egyptians believed that cats and other animals had a special position in the past.
One of the graves contained a bronze statue dedicated to a cat goddess.
AFPAFPLos beetles also had a religious significance and could symbolize the God Sun, Ra.
Mostafa Waziri, of the Council of Antiquities of Egypt, said that the discovery of the mummified beetles was “something really rare”.
Human ReutersLos were mummified to preserve their bodies for the afterlife, while the animals were mummified as religious offerings.
AFPEn total, were uncovered seven sarcophagi in the pyramid of King Userkaf complex. Three of them contained cats.
The archaeologists found another tomb which remains sealed door and plan to open in the next few weeks.
ReutersLas tombs recently discovered are found in a buried Ridge that only has been partially excavated.
Experts say that it could offer many more discoveries.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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