translated from Spanish: What is the State of the playing field at times of the match between Boca and River

minutes before 10 o’clock in the morning, the AFA was ahead of the Conmebol and confirmed that the party of ida by the Copa Libertadores final between Boca and River is disputed this d omingo to the releases 16.Ambos pointed to the same thing: that the playing field is in conditions. But, what exactly is the State of La Bombonera and what if the rains continue? The director of competitions of Conmebol, Fred Nantes, responded to all these questions.

“We start with the evaluation of the field of play from 8 o’clock in the morning: it drained very well and he responded very well, we did inspections in the morning early and then with arbitration team to 10.15”, he said in dialogue with the TN news signal.
“They toured all over the playing field and verified having game condition. The ball is rolling, there is no problem. The decision of the arbitration team is played”in terms of climate instability and the alert meteorological governing yet, Nantes said that” rains, there may be but not compared with the yesterday. ” We have predicted between 5 and 10 millimetres of rain that will not affect the drain of the field of play.” In addition, he said that it is “evaluating the playing field at all times”. Authoritative Word was the Chilean referee Roberto Tobar who, in front of the cameras of Fox Sports, responded to the question from a journalist about how he saw the Court: “Very well”, is seen saying in the brief shooting. Also agreed with this point Boca Vice President Rodolfo Ferrari, who added: “I was walking to the stadium, the field is well”.

Original source in Spanish


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