translated from Spanish: Jorge Luis Avila Rojas, new leader of the Union of teachers of the Michoacana University

home education, Michoacán Jorge Luis Avila Rojas, new leader of the Union of teachers of the Universidad Michoacana Morelia, Mic hoacan.-to achieve the majority of votes of the more than a thousand 600 teachers attending the extraordinary General Assembly, the blue sheet in front of Jorge Luis Avila Rojas, won the election of the General Executive Committee and commissions autonomous of the teachers Trade Union of the Michoacana University (SPUM).

The identified form as unification Nicolás won the votes cast by the teaching of the nicolaitans, by which the general secretariat was in front of Jorge Luis Avila Rojas. The Secretary of the organization followed by José Luis González Avalos; of work by Vicente Martínez Hinojosa; Press and Propaganda by Leticia García Pineda; of Foreign Affairs by Francisco Juan Ambriz Zamudio; of finance by Arturo Pérez Arévalo; Topics academics in front of Isaura by Jesus Magaña Martínez; Records, file and statistics by Rosalva Mejía; of trade union education by María Guadalupe Cedeño
; Performance and Social action by Ricardo González Ávalos; Recreation, culture and sports by Christian Morales Ontiveros and retirement and pensions by Jose Francisco Ruiz Vega.

Secondly, was the gold return with 423 votes, followed by the red with 342 votes and 337 for magenta, as well as 51 null votes.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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