translated from Spanish: Héctor Noguera also fires against Patricia Maldonado

“there is one thing I would like to clarify to Pa Tricia Maldonado, I don’t have any problem in talk and be with people from right. I know many people right and are friends of mine. I know very well their thoughts and their way of being, but none of them defends dictatorship, nor the infringement of human rights””what I have against it, which I disagree with, is not because it is right, I have no problem with that. What I have a problem is that she has said regarding the dictatorship and the DD. HH in a tone that does not appropriate get me””we wanted to show solidarity with Goic, with their reaction and it was a spontaneous reaction and due to that he was tortured and has many friendly people, as have I and many people, people who have suffered disappearance , torture and unjust imprisonment. Then a person who declares openly agree that causes a reaction as Alexander”.
“I don’t like to deny the job to anyone, but I think that the channel has a responsibility. “The channel has to tell its people, not to censor them, but there are certain issues that go beyond politics, beyond the opinion, such as human rights” Video courtesy “National chain” Viax.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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