translated from Spanish: He drowned a baby eight months by floods

La Matanza is the municipality most affected by heavy rains. In the Los Alamos of Virrey del Pino neighborhood a tragedy was triggered as a result of the floods. The room of a house where he lived a mother with her eight-month-old baby was completely surrounded by water. Women tried overnight to remove rain water that had entered the room where slept, but it was not an easy task. 

Around 6 in the morning it took to breastfeed her child and in that period of rest fatigue overcame her. When he awoke, a few minutes later, he encountered the worst-case scenario: the small had fallen into the water.  Although you had CPR maneuvers, it was late. They failed to resuscitate him.

“There are 1300 neighbors evacuated in Buenos │Foto: Twitter the mother had to be transferred to a medical facility in the area to be assisted by doctors, because of the State of shock that was.” “We had to chain together to warn the police and firefighters what had past, who came to look for the little body”, a neighbor of the district to the site said SN Online. “Of baby MOM decided to stay in the property so that they steal them,” said Ana Maria.

House in La Matanza in the flooding of the │Foto week: Twitter

Original source in Spanish


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