translated from Spanish: Itati Cantoral will launch its channel “disabled cursed!” Itati Cantoral

will be released in the coming days his channel on YouTube, which “Maria la del barrio” called “disabled damn!”, in honor of the character of “Soraya Montenegro”, which played more than twenty years in the soap opera.    
After several years that his character is in the taste of the audience, the actress decided to capitalize on this success, and this motivates her to publicize “disabled damn!”, is reported in various news portals.

Itatí Cantoral Zucchi, is an actress of television, film and theater Mexican, known for having played diverse characters villain in soap operas. His character of “Soraya Montenegro” in the soap opera “Maria la del barrio” has earned him the transcendence in his career and now on social networks, by the famous scene known as “The cursed disabled”. Itati Cantoral gave the scoop on its channel on Radio Formula, in an interview with the father José de Jesús Aguilar.

Itatí Cantoral Zucchi is originally from the city of Mexico (13 May 1975);  It is a television, film and theatre actress Mexican, known for having played Soraya Montenegro in the soap-opera “Maria, the del barrio”, where he worked next to Thalia and Fernando Colunda, between 1995 and 1996.

She is daughter of the renowned musician and composer late Roberto Cantoral and Lady Itatí Zucchi.
According to information in his biography, Itati career began with the television program’s thriller “The Web”, which lasted from 1986 to 1988. At the end and to be better prepared, the actress entered the CEA (Centre of artistic education in Television). After graduating in 1991, producer Emilio Larrosa included in the cast of the telenovela “Muchachitas”, in its second stage. First operas in which starred include “Pícara soñadora” and “two women, one road”.
In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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