translated from Spanish: Digital world barre with Chadwick and command jungle: 99% of the mentions in Socialmedia them responsible for the death of Catrillanca

The opinion on Twitter is unanimous. According to an analysis of the policy Observatory and social networks of the Central University, 99% repudiates the jungle command of police, after the operation which cost the life of the young commoner mapuche Camilo Catrillanca Wednesday at Ercilla.
The measurement carried out between 14 November and until 3 p.m. on Thursday, sheds that the opinion of citizens on the police apparatus installed by the Government of Sebastian Pinera to operate in La Araucanía is absolutely negative.
Starting from 11.556 mentions with the hashtag #ComandoJungla, analysis served to identify at least 3 foci of criticism: calling for the resignation of the Minister of the Interior Andres Chadwick; those who point out that the creation of the command is overblown and that its consequence are the bloodshed and the polarization of the area; and those who reject the militarization of the ninth Region.

“There are those who are criticizing the jungle command as such, and others who direct their criticism the Ministry of the Interior and in that sense it is a criticism that points more to the Government. But there is a group that also criticized what they call the ‘militarisation’ of the area, and is a rejection which is not aimed exclusively at the Government or the command jungle in specific, but the strategy that Chile has had as a State to the mapuche people, is a critique of more ampl IO spectrum”, explains to the counter Nicolas Freire, director of the policy Observatory and social networks of the Central University.
In this measurement, the more individualized actor is the Minister Andrés Chadwick, even across President Sebastián Piñera. “Somehow networks that have been so visceral Piñera not are linking it to him directly with the jungle command, but rather to question the position that has and has had Chadwick on the jungle command”, added the political scientist from the University Central.
In this scenario, who appears as primarily responsible for the subject politician is the Vice President of the Republic, in exercise, – who will be questioned by the opposition in the Congress – more than the President.  In fact, the tweet from Piñera Asia, where supports the work of the command jungle, noting that police have “right to defend itself”, not deep calo in the digital conversation, because the critical community had already deployed on the subject.
Meanwhile, the 1% that backs to the jungle command, basically corresponds to isolated comments that justify acting of the jungle command, arguing that the mapuche murdered was a “criminal”, echoing the initial thesis launched by Mayor Luis Mayol, who said that Catrillanca had a history for receiving stolen goods and also was involved in the theft of vehicles, the initial fact that detonated later Chase and confrontation where he lost his life. Version, which later, the Government was forced to deny.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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