translated from Spanish: The currency on the ropes: Chadwick comes to contextualize crazy bullet that killed Camilo Catrillanca

More than 14 hours after the death of the mapuche comunero Camilo Catrillanca, the Minister of the Interior Andres Chadwick broke the silence and spoke in La Moneda to refer to the fact.
In his speech in the courtyard of La Moneda, and flanked only by the Undersecretary of the Interior Rodrigo Ubilla, the Vice President made a long introduction on the rule of law and defended the role of police in their “duty to prosecute offences”, then contextualize the demise of Catrillanca from “a fact crime”.
Thus, it became a long story as it was the theft of 3 vehicles 4 teachers in a rural area of Ercilla and ground and air police persecution of the jungle command to the attackers, who detonated the confrontation and deadly shootout inside the Temucuicui community.
While the authority repeated the version delivered yesterday by the regional Governor Luis Mayol, there is a key element that distinguishes both stories: Although the head of the regional government said that Catrillanca was involved in the confrontation and “had a history by” receiving stolen goods from vehicles”, the Chief of staff said that the young villager had nothing to do with the episode of the theft.
“At that time there was a tractor which – according to police – was with two people and one of the bullets reached a young man who was riding the tractor”, said, referring to the presence of Catrillanca in the place of the incident.
Ad, the spokesperson of Chadwick did not major news except for the request for a special prosecutor to investigate the facts and clarify it soon. In addition, the investigation remained in the hands of investigations. “I’ve communicated with director of the PDI who entrusted this research,” he said.
Political responsibilities Vice President also responded to criticisms by the silence of the currency to pronounce on the fact. “The currency has not delayed anything. I as Minister of the Interior, I have the responsibility on safety citizen and public order, does not act as irresponsible, reckless, gather the background, assess them and communicate them to citizenship, not as a personal opinion, but as the authority of Government,”he said.
Also had words for the opposition congressmen that have pointed to it as the head politician of this crime that smolder to La Araucanía. “” Seekers or designated political responsibilities, the main responsibility we all is to ensure peace and tranquility in La Araucanía and cope with decision to crime “, pointed out, insisting that the facts show that it is” indispensable”to move forward on the Plan Araucania.
In Congress, opposition forces have already outlined some actions. One of them is quote Chadwick to the Commission on human rights of the Chamber of deputies that he would give explanations, according to said Communist Deputy Carmen Hertz, President of the instance. Another formula is the interpellation, to which the members of the Socialist party caucus is already gathering signatures.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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