translated from Spanish: Justice condemns the State to pay $45 million to person wrongly imputed violation

The Santiago Court of appeals sentenced the State of Chile to pay compensation of 45 million pesos to Master Builder which was unjustly charged as author of three offences of rape in the city of Los Andes.
In unanimous ruling, the Fifth Chamber of the Court of Appeal – comprising the Ministers Maritza Villadangos, María Luisa Riesco and the lawyer (i) María Cecilia Ramírez – ratified the contested judgment, dictated by the 12th Civil Court of Santiago, which hosted the demand, then that the Supreme Court would give rise to previous action for compensation for judicial error, by 2015.
“That the relationship of the revised background in this case, it is quite clear that as a result of inaccurate and incorrect, pronounced judgments in a case aired in a Court of the warranty of the Andes, the plaintiff’s car suffered damage suffering and deterioration of its image, loss of privacy and self-esteem, overexposure and decline in their quality of life, accredited in cars through the psychological expert report already reviewed, with more, statements by witnesses, derived from the charges, restrictions on freedom and advertising, formerly described”, argues the ruling of first instance.
Ratified resolution added: “public exposure of facts and the criminal investigation, as you can be seen, otherwise in accompanied by copies of newspapers, which broadly reproduce the facts, judgments given by the Court of the Andes and the” Prosecutor’s office, from which it follows, that the damage is not only responsibility of the media, as the respondent claims it, but it results in addition to the unfair and erroneous, decisions issued publicly by the authorities, thus being responsible directly, State or Treasury of CHILE, since that is a damage attributable to an unjustifiably erroneous performance”.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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