translated from Spanish: “Chiquis” receives insults, after showing off their legs

to chiquis Rivera have attacked it on social networks several times, for various reasons, and again to happen. After showing off her legs with Lorenzo Méndez, her partner, receive horrible insults.
Chiquis rivera has a relationship with Lorenzo Méndez, exvocalista of the Original banda El Limón by don Salvador Lizarraga, and constantly published in their respective social networking images that are together and in love.
According to report on different portals, the daughter of Jenni Rivera attended an event of fashion along with Mendez and shared a pair of images where shown beside her fiance, more in love than ever. Chiquis wore an outfit exposing her legs showing their security in itself same. The comments were swift and several were negative and positive criticism of his person.
You have body of temptation and regret face because you look like the bride of Chucky”, wrote a follower.

Seems to dwarf the Chiquis pictured”;  “Poor shoes”; “You are seeing you old”;  “Nice couple. God keep them together forever”;  “Those legs, wow”;  “You look very pretty,” and “that beautiful woman, her admire so much,” write you in networks.

In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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