translated from Spanish: Macri declared three days of mourning and said that family members are”not alone”

A through a short message engraved in the presidential residence of Olivos, President Mauricio Macri announced that he decreed three days of national mourning in tribute to the 44 tripu “Québec from the submarine ARA San Juan, found today after a long search that lasted exactly a year.” Now a phase of serious research opens to get to know the whole truth. A truth that we are committed from the first day and is necessary for honor and respect to our heroes and their families,”said the President.
“It’s a story that makes us a huge pain. The confirmation of the death of the 44 sailors in dramatic circumstances”.

“These have been 366 very difficult days for all Argentines, but especially for the relatives of the crew members of the submarine ARA San Juan.” And today is the saddest day. It’s a heroin and 43 heroes who left an irreplaceable void in the lives of their loved ones”.” They dedicated their lives to defend us and to care for our sea with dignity and pride. They came from different provinces of the country, each with their stories, their hopes and their dreams. They carried out their task with patriotism, dedication to service and courage. They are a valuable example for all Argentines,”Macri said. And announced: “as a tribute to all they are going to declare national mourning for three days”. Macri made mention of in addition to the tasks of the submarine search and thanked international support: “there were teams of specialists who gave everything that was in their reach and more so that we could find the submarine. The anguish and solidarity were such that countries friends gave us their unconditional support. “All of them, thank you”, concluded. In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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