translated from Spanish: Maximum Menem was transferred to intermediate therapy

the health of the youngest son of the former President Carlos Menem, maximum, which keeps on tenterhooks to Argentina like Chile, threw some good news in the last hours: was transferred to intermediate therapy, just a day before she turns 15. According to a statement which diffused the Clinica Las Condes in Santiago de Chile: “the maximum patient Menem Bolocco evolves in a positive way after having surgery last Friday by the removal of a brain tumor. Today the minor was transferred treatments intensive Pediatric of the Clinica Las Condes unit to the Pediatric intermediate care unit. The patient’s family is grateful for the concern, support and the chains of prayer for his son”. The teenager was operated to remove a tumor of large size lodged in his brain, whose malignancy still not confirmed or ruled out. 
His father, current Senator, was able to travel to Santiago de Chile and attend the Los Condes clinic to visit it. Minutes later, spoke to the press: “will be a few days more here interned. I saw him well. We talked a long while, I told him that I was waiting for him in Buenos Aires, I hope you do. It is a wonderful creature, he loves his family. They are given all the circumstances so that when you leave you are still happy,”said the former National President.

Original source in Spanish


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