translated from Spanish: Case Catrillanca: Member of Hertz said that it be evaluated possible constitutional accusation against Chadwick

the Chairperson of the Committee of DD. HH. and peoples originating from the Chamber of Deputies, Carmen Hertz (PC), warned that the opposition will evaluate a possible constitutional accusation against the Minister of the Interior, Andrés Chadwick, this by the death of the comunero Camilo Catrillanca during an operation of the Jungle command in Temucuicui.Tras exposure of the Secretary of State in the instance, the Congresswoman said that in the instance “we have heard a single word, or a self-criticism on political responsibilities” of the case, especially for the recordings deleted from the police procedure.” With the tools of control that we have. It will be called the Minister and I hope it’s not a media show. We will have to assess the possibility of a constitutional accusation and we are demanding the resignation of the Mayor as a Parliament,”said legislator according to what stated by Emol.Hertz said that the presentation of Chadwick to the Commission”is an element It is important for the evaluation of this measure, to be taken up or not according to the consensus which exists in the opposition. In my view, it is necessary to make use of all the tools of control of Parliament, because we have to be serious, this is not a show or is a space to come to payasear”.

Original source in Spanish


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