translated from Spanish: In-laws kill their daughter-in-law to stay with grandchildren in Brazil

home weird world in-laws kill their daughter-in-law to stay with grandchildren in Brazil photography / La Nation Brazil-worldwide about in-laws jokes are ba used winch but this not only stayed in that and it became a reality. And it is that a woman was murdered by her in-laws since they intended to keep custody of their grandchildren, after the marital separation from his son.
According to local media in Brazil, the victim had become separated from her spouse and was in charge of his 4-year-old son and a 9-month-old baby. Before that, his in-laws in apparent support accompanied it to the Bank to open an account for children, place where was last seen, until his disappearance was reported by more than one month.
The interviews of the police, ended in the discovery of the corpse buried in the House where the mother lived with their children. According to the data, grandparents took his daughter to the House, where he hit it on the head and was buried alive.
According to police information, the perpetrators carried out the crime deliberately and after the disappearance of his daughter, asked their grandchildren that they call them MOM, and dad by his desire to raise their grandchildren as if they own.
Source: The nation

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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