translated from Spanish: Presents new Sheinbaum institutional image for CDMX

the elected head of Government, Claudia Sheinbaum, presented the new institutional image for city of Mexico that will be occupied from December 5, once she has taken over.

On 11 September Sheinbaum announced that his Administration would not make use of the current logo of CDMX as institutional image therefore announced a call for designers, publicists, plastic and visual artists, so design options.
On Monday, in the Museum of the city of Mexico, the next head of Government announced that the winning design was that of Israel Hernández Ruiz Velasco, of the University of Guadalajara, who participated together with other 803 designers.
Israel said that its design is based on is slogan raised by Sheinbaum of “Innovation and hope”. He added that you highlighted the green color that represents “a new beginning, development and balance with the environment”.
The equis displayed in the logo symbolizes a meeting point, “a crossroads, of culture’s worldviews and social diversity (…) The interlaced form of its visual elements suggests the construction of the social fabric.”
Circles surrounding the equis represented the people, citizens, cycles, and the fourth transformation, argued its author.
The image will be used only in institutional way, and the current logo CDMX using as the tourist promotional image.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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