translated from Spanish: River Plate refuses to play the final of the Copa Libertadores in Spain: “Atenta against equality”

In a press release, River Plate rejected the decision of the Conmebol Copa Libertadores final to Spain, after the serious incidents in the last match.
Rodolfo D’Onofrio, President of the millionaire club, expressed its total rejection of the decision taken by the Confederation, claiming “denaturation of the competition: the Copa Libertadores is disputed within the scope of South America”, as well as for damage to the fans and members of the club who had already purchased tickets.
The head of the club argued 7 reasons to reject the match at the Santiago Bernabeu. “Watchful against equality of conditions from the loss of the local condition and consequent loss of statutory rights that this entails,” he added.
D’Onofrio also indicates that incidents against the bus of mouth took place “outside the area whose responsibility lies with River”.
“It is incomprehensible that the most important Argentine football classic not can develop normally in their own country,” he added, exemplifying the G-20 also performed in Argentina: “If you can organize a meeting with similar wingspan (…) How not could be performed a super classic? “.” For these reasons, we reserve the exercise of all the actions that attend you River in defence of their legitimate interests”, ends the missive.
The game is played, so far, next Sunday. But River has already announced that it will do everything so that it is not played in Spain.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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