translated from Spanish: Screen saver continued the tour of SMS in Vorterix

screensaver played Friday at Vorterix in what represents the highest point of the tour of SMS, the album that the band took off in 2018 where confirms the incredible moment or musical running through, with only two years and growth that does not display a ceiling for now. The band of Cordoba gave a show in every way: music, images and lights, who accompanied each song Zoe Gotusso and Santiago Celli to perfection. 
With guests such as Nicolas de Sanctis of Indians, Mateo Sujatovich’s knowing Russia and Fran Saglieti of Francisca and Les explorers, they gave a different show but that it only appears to be the beginning of the duo. 

Screen savers feel the heat of the public in the middle of the field of the theatre Vorterix | Foto:@florpropa luxury of the night was when, in a new national music scene, Zoe and Santiago mounted a stage in the middle of the public to play an acoustic set surrounded by fans. 

Porfa, the fifth issue of SMS was the moment to dance night and Zoe announced it before starting | Photo: @florpropa in a list of 17 songs, reviewed the essential covers, founding milestone of the band, and wore with going from the bed to the living room, by Charly García and the classic was love, Fito Páez. Without renouncing his songs, did sound to perfection all SMS more his four short films that took off in the course of the last two years: if I go, song release, turns and another story. 

Photo: @florpropa the band of Cordoba gave a show at the height of what shows and although not surprisingly opened the game, what is the roof of screen saver? In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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