translated from Spanish: “The Marginal 3”: ready to start recording

the expectation remains high and the demands of the audience, also. The series that has captivated Argentine viewers, bet on its third season and their creators are proud to announce it. This Monday, December 3, Pablo Culell, producer to generate Underground, used his Instagram account to share the good news. With a postcard of the script of “The Marginal 3” completed, confirmed the start of a new stage.

In the picture you see written date – Monday 3 December of 2018–under the slogan “Chapter 1”, suggesting the start of recordings and preparations for the next installment. “In March… season 2019…”, wrote Culell without providing additional information in this regard. Remember, that after going and turns was Sebastián Ortega, producer and artistic director, who confirmed the return of the fiction. He spent more than one month on the first draft and its creators are able to announce what’s coming.

All set for “Marginal 3” | Photo: Instagram @pabloculellok Meanwhile, Nicolas Furtado (Dear God Borges) “prays” for the arrival of “The Marginal 3”, series that enthusiastic with the return of Juan Minujín and promises to the inclusion of an actor star.

“Praying for the third” | Photo: Instagram @furtadonico this note:

Original source in Spanish


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