translated from Spanish: “In the hands of a criminal” killings are 0.5%, not 99%

the Minister of security, Patricia Bullrich, stated publicly that “99% of people who die by a firearm in Argentina, dies at the hands of an offender”. However, statistical data at the national level are significantly different to those raised by the Minister.
According to the latest data published by the Ministry of health of the nation, in 2016 they died for various reasons 352.992 people in total. The Ministry of security provides that in 2016, there were 1779 victims of intentional killings (where the criminal seeks intentionally the result of death of the victim) attempted. For its part, the Ministry of health of the nation, published that same year there were 1150 homicides with firearms, which include both malicious attempted homicides and simple malicious killings. Therefore, “in the hands of a criminal” killings represent 0.5% of annual deaths in Argentina. If that data is detailed in the number of deaths by firearms specifically, the percentage is even lower. The most common causes of death in Argentina are: cardiovascular diseases (33.6%)
Cancer (21.8%)
Respiratory infections (8.1%)
Diabetes (7.9%)
Respiratory diseases (6.1%)
Dementia (4.6%)
Kidney disease (3.2%)
Digestive diseases (2.3%)
Liver diseases (2.2%)
Road accidents (1.9%)
Suicides (1.4%)
Neonatal death (1.1%)
Parkinson (0.8%)
Homicide (0.78%)

Original source in Spanish


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