translated from Spanish: The amazing loyalty of Bush’s dog: together until the last day

emotional photos of Sully, the deceased former President George H. W. Bush service dog, accompanied it until at the last moment in funeral and said goodbye to his faithful friend and c ompanero of recent years. The dog labrador of the President, also went to the wake of his master on Tuesday, then accompany him on his final journey from Texas.

Friends until the last moment. Photo: AP Sully had already shown the affection he feels for George Herbert Walker Bush, the late U.S. President, then it is viralizara an image which appears on one side of the coffin of his master.

Bush service dog pays tribute to President Bush while he is in the Capitol of the United States. In Washington. Photo: AP this tomorrow, the dog accompanied the present to bid farewell to Bush in a ceremony in the Rotunda of the Capitol in Washington, where it was always very close to the casket covered with roses. 

What will you feel Sully in this farewell? Picture: AP the death of Bush, who occupied the White House between 1989 and 1993 after being a decorated fighter pilot of World War II, Ambassador to China, head of the Central Intelligence Agency CIA and Vice President, Ronald Reagan, led the Americans to reflect your lifetime of service to the country.

This is the look of a faithful friend who never leaves you. Photo: AFP the father of the also former President George W. Bush will be buried Thursday in Texas after several tributes. On the other hand, Sully and George H. W. Bush met just after the death of his spouse Barbara.

The labrador dog fired George H. W. Bush. Photo: AFP the dog is one of the many dogs who are trained to help people with various diseases and disabilities.

A man comforts the dog labrador. Photo: EFE Sully terminated its service and join the program of dogs of the military national Walter Reed Medical Center, where will be “working together with other dogs to help wounded soldiers and service personnel with physical therapy and occupational therapy active during his recovery. 

In this note: ElDebate the Debate is a newspaper published in Sinaloa by companies the Debate, S. A. de C. V. The Debate provides information of the versions published in the cities of Culiacan, Guamuchil, Los Mochis, Guasave and Mazatlan, as well as news at the time of the events of in Sinaloa, Mexico and the world.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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