translated from Spanish: Widow revealed details of her intimate life with Hugh Hefner

Crystal Harris, the widow of the late creator of Playboy, Hugh Hefner, he gave details of her intimate life of married, which was very far from being that for years it ru moreo. It is that the Tycoon was always associated with parties with intense sexual activity, but the reality was, according to her, its activities were very diverse and distant to the erotic.lee also: widow of Hugh Hefner will not inherit any of his fortune “sex was not so important for him,”, said Harris in an interview to Access Hollywood.La 32-year-old woman said that to Hefner “he liked to watch movies and play backgammon. It is true that in that House has had fun much. “Incredible parties had organized with all sorts of people: they were parties with skateboards and once organized an equipped”. The former model also acknowledged that the first three months after the death of Hefner were difficult and that recently he is now looking for a new direction for his life.” Then I told myself that I had to go out and begin to do something, travel or whatever. I’ve been around the world trying to find myself. For ten years I was part of the world of Hef, in the mansion almost all the time, and now I’m trying to discover what I like to do,”he said. About her husband, the blonde said that “I miss him less every day. He taught me much. He taught me love, goodness; He was friendly with everyone, no matter who you were. These days it’s rare to find someone so”. Harris was married to Hefner in 2012 and accompanied him until his death, which took place September 27, 2017 at age 91. She received nothing of the Fortune left by the entrepreneur.

Original source in Spanish


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