translated from Spanish: A judge banned the city police to apply the “Bullrich doctrine”

Buenos Aires Judge Roberto Gallardo did place an injunction presented by the Buenos Aires legislator of the FIT, Myriam Bregman, and ordered the Government of the city of Buenos Aires “is refrain from acceding or incorporate as a guideline for local action”the new regulation which empowers security forces officers firing their firearms to cases of”imminent danger”. Gallardo was even there and declared the unconstitutionality of the resolution 956/18 the Ministry of security that enables the new Protocol and its “dependency” in the area of the city.

#Urgente today present amparo to have not applied the resolution of Bullrich. The Gallardo judge just granted the injunction and decreeing unconstitutional and inapplicability in the city of Buenos Aires of that regulation that legalizes the trigger easy. – Myriam Bregman (@myriambregman) December 5, 2018 yesterday, the head of Government p orteno, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, had anticipated that the city police would apply the changes provided by the nation. “We work very well with the national security team. Patricia Bullrich thanked us for our participation during the G20, we are working with them. So in this we work together too.” It is likely the ida and turn of this measure to generate new instances in justice. It’s a measure controversy already generated crosses with the opposition and even sectors allied to the Government, as it was the case with the Member of the Civic Coalition, Elisa Carrió, who yesterday questioned the new regulation by saying “we will not go to the fascism”.

The regulations dictated security forces by Bullrich viola fundamental human rights ministered it. We are not going to go to the fascism – Lilita Elisa Carrio (@elisacarrio) December 4, 2018 this note:

Original source in Spanish


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