translated from Spanish: Conflict continues in the July 9: who are they and what claim?

from noon growing tension between protesters of Polo Obrero, neighbourhood of foot are manifested at the Ministry of Social development, where they cut part of the July 9 since they expect to be attended by ministerial authorities. 
The claims are “genuine work, the immediate opening of social programs and the universalization of the same”, in addition to a “bonus end-of-year of $4,000 for the unemployed and the increase of the amounts – that in December will reach $6,000, less than half a salary” hunger-“.” 
At the same time claiming police doesn’t advance to protesters and stays in defense position, so they threatened to camping there if they continue interrupting them the way. 
Another group of protesters moving from Constitution to the Ministry which leads Carolina Stanley was intercepted by the uniformed personnel in the corner of the Lime Street and the avenida Juan de Garay, so it could not continue their March.
There were some incidents, as Eduardo Belliboni earlier told Filo.News: “Let us not to move. There is a repressive device and they fired gas pepper and policemen on motorcycles entered the column to not let us pass.” 
This group began to take the Constitution station underground to avoid the police and get to the point in common.

Original source in Spanish


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