translated from Spanish: Layoffs: Welfare networks officials accuse that Luis Castillo did not meet commitments

The Undersecretariat officials Association of healthcare networks (AFURED) denounced in a statement addressed to the Minister of health, Emilio Santelices, serious breaches during layoffs. 
AFURED reported that on 27 November last held a meeting with the Undersecretary of health care networks, Luis Castillo, who pledged that “every decision of not renewal rest properly signed by each headquarters reports”, and that is It would ensure the “due process and respect for people”. 
However, on 30 November began the process of layoffs, which was evident – according to the document – the “serious breach of provisions in the opinion 006400 2018, of the Comptroller General of the Republic, that delivery instructions with respect to the renewal of contracts”, which ensures that notification must be made by an administrative act”duly communicated to the interested party”and that it must be justified by the grounds for”breach of profile”or”not successful performance”. 
“Dated 30 November and 3 December, at meetings held with the Department of industrial relations (…) requested history that had in sight for the preparation of resolutions of notification of non-renewal. To date, these backups still not are delivered to our Association”, the document says. 
As has happened with the settlements in other ministries and services of the State, the Association of officers of the Secretariat for welfare networks pointed out that at the time of the layoffs was respected not the Circular N ° 21 of the Exchequer, pointing “attention to the years of service as to the age of retirement, were not considered, given that took the decision to detach officers with more than 20 years of service and officials fenced into retirement.”
Also, in regards to performance officer, they reported that “all detached workers are qualified in list 1 of excellence”.
With all this background, “and in consideration of the commitment made by the Lord Deputy Minister of welfare networks” from the AFURED they requested to “rescind all the layoffs of our colleagues of the Secretariat for networks Health care”. 
Read also – and became the best times to public administration: say goodbye to more than 2,500 officials of ministries and services

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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