translated from Spanish: The “dark side” Jackie CHAN: prostitution, abuse and vices

Mexico.-Despite being one of the best-known action movie actors, Jackie Chan is characterized by mixed martial arts with skits and even sing, but the reality of est (e) artist overcomes any fiction before the problems faced with women engaged in prostitution, child abuse, and vices. For decades many generations of viewers of Chan have delighted with characters showing in your tapes and that in all cases seeking justice.

Jackie Chan with his book “never grow up”. | AP the reality is different in many of the actors in these films of action and the case of Jackie Chan is no exception, since there is a “dark side” that was already written by the same actor and that relates to your intimate life.

Brave way, the actor has his life in the biography “Never grow”, which in a few days will be released and some journalists who have already read and begin to publish some notes. Between that hidden life who was double in action films, mentioned that it was consistent with prostitutes, alcohol and drug problems, and between its notes reminds that “once I crashed a Porsche in the morning and a Mercedes that night”.
According to the ‘Daily Mail’ publications, points out that Chan lived a terrible episode with your child’s name Jaycee, which being a baby launched that already had access to the book from one side to another inside the room after holding a discussion with your spouse. In the biography, he says that its small had the fortune of not falling on the floor, because I was a sofa and that saved his life. The baby did not suffer any damage. Other moments in his life that makes him shudder is the following: “I remember that during those years he had over a lot money in cash because, after having lived in poverty, the cash gave me a false sense of security”, writes in the book. In an episode of his biography recounts his life of child who lived in poverty and resulting in him already adult how serious complexes that were reflected in his disorderly conduct and explains it: “Me go very wrong and think that everything back to my own childhood insecurities the fact that the rich kids I always despised me and my family”. People interested in learning about the life of Jackie Chan can read the book, which will be in the market and meet with greater depth the dark side of the actor and comedian.

In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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