translated from Spanish: Lopez Obrador opened the federalization of education and health

Mexico.-the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, on Thursday told the press, at a meeting held with the media at National Palace, to its Administration does not rule out the federalization of education.
In relation to the subject, the President of the nation said: “about the return of the educational services we do not rule it because if the educational services federalizan it may be better, here in the city of Mexico is federalized, and there are not many problems, “simply already are not transferred resources to the States, the Federation manages them and this helps, because in some cases the resources being transferred to education are used for other things, then if you so decide to go to the federalization”.
Also said that an agreement is close so that is federalice the health system: “we are about to reach an agreement to make the health care system, we have many problems, is worse health than the educational system, and one of the health problems is “that is fragmented: it is insurance, the ISSSTE, and States and at the end of accounts the service poor, let’s start with some States, and we are going to integrate health services, is now about to begin, I’m going to tell you”.
It is noteworthy that recently in Michoacán the Governor of the State, Silvano Aureoles rabbit, announced that the company was abandoning the national agreement for the modernization of basic education already or not agree you have financial resources to pay the payroll of teachers.
Also, at that time he said his administration was open to dialogue and to contribute in the field to the best of their abilities, as well as highlighting that now the Federation would be that would pay you teachers.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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