translated from Spanish: Fear says that he is not concerned about processes against

BRASILIA (AP) – the President of Brazil, Michel fear, said Thursday that isn’t worried that accusations of corruption against may lead to his imprisonment after leaving office on 1 January. “In a meeting with foreign correspondents at the Presidential Palace in Brasilia, fear said that the processes against lacked merit, even when, he said, prevented his Government achieve important reforms, such as the pension system.” I am quiet. I’m not worried in the least”, said fear, 78-year-old, and added that it hopes that the accusations against her are unsuccessful.

The President of Brazil, Michel fear was accused by the Federal Police of corruption. Photo: AP while you occupy the Presidency, there is fear of partial immunity, which has helped him avoid criminal proceedings. On two occasions, the Chamber of deputies of the Congress _encargada intervene in matters involving the presidente_ voted against that fear was prosecuted for charges brought by the Attorney general. However, when fear leave the Presidency, these processes become the regular judicial system. In the past four years, several businessmen and politicians, including former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, were convicted and imprisoned in the middle of a huge survey of corruption known as “Car wash”. The accusations against fear are related to that investigation, which focused on construction companies that paid to politicians for favors, often with money from inflated contracts for public works. Legal observers consider that the proceedings against fear have sustenance and likely will continue its course. In recent weeks, several local media have reported that fear could be appointed as an Ambassador by the incoming Government of President-elect Jair Bolsonaro.Ese new charge would fear the same partial immunity granted to legislators Federal, members of Cabinet and other senior officials. The law stipulates that only the highest court of the nation, the Supreme Court, can decide if the charges proceed or prosecuted any staff member in particular, which in practice delay any process. However, assign to fear an Embassy could be problematic for Bolsonaro, who promised “zero tolerance” to corruption during his campaign.

On Thursday, fear said that it will not be active and is planning to take some time. However, he refused to give details and said jokingly that no longer has 50 years. Fear, a politician famous for his ability to promote initiatives in Congress, acted as Vice President when the President Dilma Rousseff was removed in 2016 through an impeachment. When he assumed the Presidency, fear arose as a reformer ready to take to the nation’s largest Latin America from its worst recession in decades. Although his Government was plagued with scandals _ several Ministers had to resign on charges of corruption in the first semanas_ fear managed Brazil to advance on many fronts.
A major reform to the labor law was approved and in 2017 the gross domestic product grew by 1% after a contraction of almost 4% in the previous two years.

“I think that I will be remembered as someone who at least tried to get underway to Brazil,” said fear. “I will be also remembered as someone not worried that populism. Anyone worried about populism would not have done what I did”, in allusion to the unpopularity of his proposals to improve the State finances through cuts to employee benefits and the pension system. Fear had said that perhaps he would seek re-election this year despite his approval ratings below 10% during most of his time in office. However, their own corruption scandals not only made that those plans were unrealistic and frustrated much of his agenda, but that they also threatened to put him behind bars. Last year, the Attorney general Rodrigo Janot accused on two occasions to fear in cases related to alleged bribery and obstruction of Justice. The federal police also investigates in a third process where he is accused of using bribes to finance renovations to a family-owned. In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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