translated from Spanish: “Kevin Hart will be the Oscar after criticism by tweets homophobic

American actor Kevin Hart resigned to submit the next Oscar gala after the criticism received by your past homophobic Tweets.” “” I took the decision not to introduce the Oscar’s this year… don’t want to be a distraction on a night that should be held by so many artists of incredible talent “, tweet Hart, who has appeared in films such as”Night School”or” Jumanji: Welcome to the jungle “.” I apologise sincerely to the LGBTQ community by my insensitive words in the past”, he added, using the acronym of the Group’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer. His resignation comes just two days after meeting that would lead the ceremony Feb. 24 in Los Angeles. After that announcement, several Twitter users called attention to a few tweets written by Hart between 2009 and 2011 and that, according to “The Hollywood Reporter”, were later erased. In 2011 for example wrote: “if my son comes home one day and try playing with a Dollhouse for my daughter, would break in the head and say: ‘For, that is gay'”. According to the press, he also used several times the words “homo” and “fäg”, deemed offensive in the United States.” Sorry to have hurt people… I am evolving, and I want to continue to do so. My objective is to unite people, not separate us. Much love and gratitude to the Academy (of Hollywood) “, wrote now in Twitter.Sin however, just one hour before he had published a video on Instagram which refused to apologize when the Hollywood Academy asked him to do it.” I choose to pass, pass the apology. The reason why I have spent is I have already tried this on several occasions,”said the actor, ensuring that it had made progress since she published those Tweets.

Original source in Spanish


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