translated from Spanish: With new reforms will give you greater functionality to the State anti-corruption system: Ernesto Núñez

Morelia, Michoacan.-to provide greater functionality to the anti-corruption State system (be) it is necessary that, as legislators, we carry out adjustments legal necessary in order to give the tools to the entities that make up this legal framework, said the Coordinator of the parliamentary fraction of the party green ecologist of Mexico (PVEM) in the local Congress, Ernesto Nuñez Aguilar, during his participation in the first national anti-corruption day.
Remember that as a member of the last Parliament was partner in the creation of the anti-corruption system of the entity, it enlisted the reforms and changes which, according to the analysis, should be put on the legislative table for improvement of the EITHER.
“Should clarify the procedure and active subjects for the issuance of recommendations, thereby hold responsible the Coordinating Committee to respond to requests from the Committee of citizen participation, since this year various communications have not been” attended”, he said, arguing why is required add to a representative of the CPC.
Aguilar Nunez emphasized in their quest to balance the responsibilities of all members of the anti-corruption system, which should give more powers to the Committee of citizen participation, in order to delimit those responsibilities do not, provided for at present.
“It is necessary to legislate with respect to the powers of the Chairman of the Committee, who has as express attribution to submit the removal of the Technical Secretary. “This year not is has successfully completed, for not having clarified the procedure nor the responsibility to attend meetings convened by the governing body of the SEA”, added.
The parliamentary leader was considered appropriate to grant full autonomy to the Executive Secretariat, in order to give budgetary, and operational freedom every time that this has been a problematic one year to start the State’s system of anti-corruption.
Among other things, he mentioned to define a period of three years in office to the holder of the internal, same body who would be appointed by the Committee of citizen participation. Coupled with repeal the limiting age in the appointment of the Technical Secretary, in accordance with the determination of unconstitutionality of the Supreme Court of Justice of the nation.
Finally, Ernesto Núñez said so far this legislature has presented two initiatives in the anti-corruption field and more of a constitutional nature to article 119.
Source: Monitor Expresso

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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