translated from Spanish: Chantal Gayoso by his success in “Red”: “I save $500 thousand a month in pure Exchange”

ballerina Chantal Gayoso, participant of the first cycle of “Red” and “Red Clan” Member, spoke of the life change that has had due to the Int’l Exhibition Center ion has given talents program, which gave him many benefits, especially in the financial plan. In an interview with Mon, the young man told that through social networks it has become Ambassador of various brands, which helped him in the Pocket.” Being on TV has given me a greater showcase, now am a little known thanks to the program and my effort. Some companies have approached me to help me and those I help him uploading photos to my Instagram with their products. “I changed a little life because there are some things that will make me more easy Save”, said. Gayoso estimated that “saving me about $500 thousand a month in pure Exchange”. The dancer, that Yes, pointed out that this has as responsibility to upload photos with the name of your product or service to your account. He also clarified that “there are things that I’m still paying, not everything is free”. In total, the young woman has agreements with six brands, including a retail clinic, which offered a treatment of bleaching, design of gums and films in six parts. Of the $740.000, Chantal could pay half because the Exchange and advertising.

Original source in Spanish


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