translated from Spanish: Referendum Peru: approved 3 4 constitutional reforms that seek to put an end to corruption in the country

Three of the four constitutional reforms submitted to referendum in Peru received support from voters this Sunday.
The Peruvian said ‘yes’ to the reform of the Junta Nacional de Justicial (former National Council of the Magistracy), control of contributions to political parties and the no-reelection of congressmen.
On the other hand, rejected return to bicameral parliamentary system, so that the country will continue to have a single legislative body for the time being.
This vote, however, does not mean a setback for the President of Peru, Martín Vizcarra, since in the last few months he changed his mind and was contrary to the bicameralism, despite having proposed himself.
4 reforms for which Peruvians vote in a referendum this Sunday why the President of Peru now rejects a reform that he proposed for the referendum on Sunday Image Captionperu will continue to have a single legislative body following the rejection of more than 90% of the s voters to return to the bicameral system. Results according to data of the national Office of electoral processes (ONPE) in Peru, with more than 95% of the votes counted, the results were the following: 86% of voters said yes to the constitutional reform on the formation and functions of the Board National justice 85% of voters approved the constitutional reform that regulates the financing of organisations policies pleaded in favour of the constitutional amendment that prohibited the immediate re-election of members of Parliament of the Republic another 85% 90% He said no to the constitutional amendment that sets the bicameralism in the Congress of the Republic Image captionPeruanos resident abroad also cast their votes. The turnout was nearly 75% of the electorate.
“Peru wins” Vizcarra reacted with enthusiasm the same Sunday, until the results were official: the President launched the proposal of reforms put to referendum last July in response to a corruption scandal involving several actors high-profile politicians.
The case, known as “LavaJuez” or “CNMaudios”, revealed a complex Web of bribes and exchanges of favors in the high administrative areas of the country.
Also added to this case is the scandal involving the Brazilian construction company Odebrecht, which affected several countries in the region and in Peru triggered the resignation of the President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski as well as research to several other important politicians.
After several weeks of stagnation, in September the President put pressure on legislators so they approve their proposals, which were finally submitted to referendum this Sunday.
Image captionEn September there were protests in the streets of Peru to demand the holding of the popular consultation. Vizcarra said that in the next few days will lead to the population to define the steps to follow, in order to implement the reforms.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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