translated from Spanish: The parliamentary leadership of Graciela Domínguez, at severe risk

something that was not in their plans, or the sight of anyone, takes place with the Congresswoman Graciela Domínguez Nava: in the two months which is at the head of the State Congress, its leadership is mermad or every day, and don’t talk about their disputes with the PRI nor of the two takes the rostrum, but politically worse: the Morena caucus colleagues do not accept his authority. Latest dates, the strategy of Dominguez to win over members that allegedly coordinates has been give “manga wide” and say yes to all. A tactic that not only has not worked, but that in turn has attracted you other problems. It was the case of the infamous case of «League fee». Against what you might think, it was not of a morenoite plot to undermine the finances of the PRI, but a simple occurrence of Congresswoman Flora Miranda. Even aware of that topic would offer him a political quarrel with the PRI by its unnecessary roughness, Graciela insisted on giving runway as ‘obvious and urgent settlement agreement point’ (there was the problem, in the forms, because it could well have happened way tersa under another legislative figure), all to demonstrate their support to fellow morenoite. If this thanked him or not, will know more later. With many others, “good manners” from the Coordinator of the majority caucus and Chair of the Board of political coordination have not borne fruit. Against Graciela Domínguez all members of the Group of Merary Villegas have shown openly, for example: your relatives, which are Victoria Sánchez Peña (breast), Pedro Lobo Villegas (cousin) and Mariana red Sanchez (spouse of another cousin); as well as Francisca Abello Jordà and Juan Ramón Torres Navarro, among the most visible. Like others of his fellow legislators, all cited manifest dislike and disrespect for their Coordinator in the most diverse forms, including in public. A sample button is that memorable meeting on 22 November, when Board frame Almaral, President for Dominguez Nava instructions prevented Francisca Abello an intervention on the tragic anniversary of Ricardo Flores Magon, given It was not on the agenda and, therefore, contravened the Act of Congress. The expression of Victoria Sanchez, to scream open from his seat, was symptomatic of his upset against the Coordinator: «look, laws here are violated, and as we all know». For one thing, show “hard hand” against the PRI to dare to make an extraordinary session last time and practically “in the shadows” with everything and legal risks that this implied, in order to take forward the subject of the touted «League quota» there seems to be you served none to the Domínguez member. It was an irrelevant issue in the first place, but its objective, which was to gain recognition of their members by their fearlessness, not has been made until today in any way. Something will have to be done. If you don’t want to use against yours that strength of character which we already gave against the PRI, the truth is that «bring the soft» nor been given result. Perhaps the key lies in medium or to have recourse to one figure greater than the morenismo, as it could be the Senator Rubén Rocha, who, by the way, you just installed on the theme of «League quota», trying to revive with statements thundering a controversial already overcome. We ignore what so high to reach Graciela Domínguez influences in the structure amloista, because real power (what is called power, capitalized) Morena in Sinaloa, the national delegate, Ignacio has it Mier. Who knows what will be the best way for it. We better let advise that their advisors stars, Ernesto Saldaña and Jacinto Pérez Gerardo. Luck, Member.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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