translated from Spanish: PGR should be investigated by the Odebrecht case names

the Attorney General of the Republic (PGR) has to make known the names of officials and former officials investigated by the Odebrecht case, as well as that of those have been cited to declare, determined on Wednesday the National Institute of transparency, access to information and protection of personal data (INAI).
Political animal, via transparency, asked the Attorney General listing of officials investigated for the case of Odebrecht, which involved bribes from the Brazilian company in several countries of Latin America.
Read: Court grants amparo Lozoya and instructs Fepade define whether crime imputed to former Director of Pemex prescribed at the time, the PGR denied information claiming that there was a “real risk” to disseminate it, because that could affect the faculties of reaction and research carried out by the public prosecutor’s Office.
To submit an appeal, the Commissioner Blanca Lilia Ibarra chain introduced the topic before the INAI full.
Ibarra chain highlighted “the names of public servants and former public servants investigated and involved in the Odebrecht case is of interest of the society because they relate to an investigation on behaviors folder allegedly constituent offences of bribery and illicit enrichment”.

In the House of the @INAImexico solved modify the response of the #PGR and instructing him to provide the names of officials and former public officials cited to testify or that they had been notified of investigations underway on case #Odebrecht # PonenciaBLIC – Blanca Lilia Ibarra (@bl_ibarra) December 12, 2018 the Commissioner Chairman of INAI, Francisco Javier Acuña, considered “undisputed” public interest in knowing the names of officials and former officials, and is He gave to the PGR comply with this resolution and issued last October 2 by the House, which was ordered to publicize the actions of agents of the Federal Public Ministry in charge of the investigation.
“We hope that new holders (PGR) course according to law applicable, observe this instruction of the INAI, which is pending and others that come accumulate, independently, of course, of what they want to enforce from your logic interpretative”, said, according to a statement.
Dissemination of the names, insisted the Commissioner Ibarra Cadena, “it would allow the society the advances of the research folder, evaluate the performance of the PGR and even encourage anyone who had knowledge of the accused,” It could collaborate with the Ministerial inquiries, providing evidence or testimony”.
For the purpose of protecting the actions of the Federal Public Ministry, noted the INAI, determined from the reserve of the names only of those public servants, whose testimony is related to any pending research line or that not have been notified of the inquiry initiated against”.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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