translated from Spanish: Thus defended Juan Darthés in the table of Mirtha Legrand at the charges of Calu Rivero

Thelma Fardin reported that 16-year-old was raped by Juan Darthés during a tour of “Ugly duckling”, youth Strip which were part. But it should be noted that Calu Rivero was one of the first to talk about harassment by the actor in 2013, when they were fellow cast in the soap opera “Sweet love”.

“She (Calu) accuses me of an inappropriate attitude in a scene of fiction, accuses me of excess of kisses”, began his defense Juan Darthés in December 2017, sitting at the table of Mirtha Legrand.” I’m having a bad. The public derision is very big, especially in the media. “Gain leverage over the issue of harassment when there is people who is going wrong on it is banalizarlo, must be brought to justice”, added.
“I am also a victim and respect the pain of all.”

“My wife helps me with the soul all the time, my family is going on a bad time, since five years ago that left the rumor, but we are very close”, counted on the support that he received from his family.
“Let’s go to justice and if I am guilty I will make me care.”

“She could have said if did not feel comfortable with any scene, one may not think that one would have an attitude that is inappropriate in this context, if you didn’t want to make a scene, you were not doing it, there was no pressure”, he said.

In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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